Thursday, June 28, 2012

We've been inspired by a lot of paper lately.  Katie Chen's amazing new collages, paper bead earrings, not to mention all the National Geographic magazines that were gifted to us by a friend.  So.... we took scissors to those Nat Geo's (sorry!) and the transformation began.  Don't be sad though because they were sacrificed in the name of art, recycling, and education.  You see, along the way we learned about Iceland's environmental problems, modern global population increases, and even the plight of less commonly-bred domestic chickens.  

We took a big print of our logo, (@ 22" x 28") traced it, and collaged the letters and spiral.  It was like making your own puzzle- very meditative and calming.  Until the phone rings when your hands are covered with Mod Podge. 

Above is the project about half way through.
Why is it that half way through is when it occurs to me to
take pictures, anyway? 

We collaged ALL the white space first, then concentrated
on getting the colored sections over the white edges
so they would be straight and smooth.

When you need salmon pink pieces,
and you find a pink octopus you HAVE to use it!

Here is the finished "R".  All swirly and curly like a
real octopus!  He lives on! 

One of the best parts of this project was searching for
just the right colors.  The "U" was a picture of yellow
terraced fields, the "N" was from a man's purple dress shirt.  

It seems like the predominant color in National
Geographic's is black.  This was great, because we
needed a lot of it for the spiral.  Some of the pieces are
feathers, seeds, buildings at night, and even gorilla
and Australian Shepard dog fur.

Almost done... is the finished collage.
This would be a fun way to transform lots of different
images.  Maybe a tangle of octopuses will be next.
Better renew that Nat Geo subscription.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Rubbish: recycled art by Natty Moss Bond

Natty Moss Bond grew up in Asheville, NC and moved to St. Petersburg in pursuit of love and the perfect tan. A musician, an artist and a housepainter, Natty likes to find things on the side of the road that are about to go into garbage cans and make them into art.

Natty believes that the only way this planet will survive is if we walk gently. She feels that reusing, recycling and recreating are the only ways as individuals that we can clean up our little area and in turn, help to save the planet. What better way to save the planet than by making rubbish into art. She makes cards out of old file folders and bits from books and magazines. She makes shrines out of tin boxes and old kitchen drawers. She uses many things that would otherwise go into a landfill and tries to make them into beautiful collages of color and dimension.

A self-taught artist, tarot reader, and singer, Natty wishes there were more hours in the day to learn more things, like the difference between left and right and how to cook a fine risotto.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Choose to Reuse Tour 2010

Explore some of the most creative spots in Asheville, and help save the planet too! Visit Foundry, 
Trash Inc., Garage 34 and the Second Chances Thrift Store on June 16th and be 
entered to win some amazing prizes!


$50 Gift Certificate to Second Chances
$50 Gift Certificate to Foundry

$100 Gift Certificate to Trash Inc.

$100 Gift Certificate to Garage 34

And don't worry...There are super-cool 2nd and 3rd prizes too!

Visit all four locations and enjoy:

  Prizes - Artist Demonstrations - Activities - Refreshments - Giveaways - and FUN!

92 Charlotte St, Asheville

(between Blue Water Seafood and City Bakery)


711 B Biltmore Ave, Asheville

(Behind Biltmore Fitness)

34 S Lexington Ave, Asheville

Second Chances Thrift Store
Benefits Brother Wolf Animal Rescue

31 Glendale Ave, Asheville

(Next to Brother Wolf)

See you Saturday!!